ADU/DADU Consulting

With all the changes that have occurred in Seattle regarding rezoning and allowing for an increase in Accessory Dwelling Units, you may be wondering if you can get in on the act and how you can benefit. Here are just a few points to get you thinking:

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An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU) can be built within your existing home or detached, like a cottage.

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ADUs and DADUs are a way of increasing density which the area so desperately needs.

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ADUs and DADUs can be utilized for long-term rentals, but they are also used for short-term rentals (such as AirBNB).

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The rules for building ADUs and DADUs have just relaxed quite a bit in the City of Seattle, and in some neighborhoods, there may be even more opportunity to develop your property.

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Before you jump in, there are many things to analyze – cost, your current zoning (as you don’t want to overdevelop if the highest and best use for your property is determined to be a multi-story apartment), potential income, and potential equity that your property will be worth after development.

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Of course, you will also want to take a look at how your ADU/DADU will be managed once you are ready for a tenant. That is where Kaela & Co comes in!

The first step is to schedule a consultation. Let’s talk!

Kaela Valdes

1307 N. 45th St. Ste. 300

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